

I'm JeromeBaek, a web developer who pursues and loves making clean, simple and practical websites.

I'm very interested in the reactive Web, the user-centric Web, and the attractive user-centric website that can bring everyone together at once.

Mainly used languages are JAVA, JSP, JavaScript HTML, CSS, and the most confident development languages are JAVA and JavaScript.
Until now, we've used a lot of Java - based web technologies that are 'JAVA', 'JSP', 'SPRING' and 'Back-end', Recently, we are focusing on developing various personal projects such as JavaScript, jQuery, and React, as well as trying to create a variety of fast and efficient web sites through crossbrowing and bubble control.

TBased on these efforts, we are striving to develop a website that can communicate with various users, and we are thinking about, learning and applying responses to various issues while working on the Hybrid App project as well as web pages.

And, And separately from the project, I've identified and organized all the device-specific issues that access my pages,
Various Api such as Google Map, Distance Matrix, DatePicker, and Crop are applied by custom,
also improving my ability to customize to my taste, not just bring it, but also to handle PhotoShop a little for developing situations where I have no designer.

I've been working on a variety of other communities, I collect icon, template, UI kit, and Patterns and share and manage various development knowledge and information through blog, github, and pinterest.


  • Work Experience

  • Front-End Developer

    TMON - 2018.07. - 2018.08.

    As a member of the standardization lab Front-End development team, I interned for two months and developed an in-house dashboard with React.

  • Web Developer

    Coreriver - 2017.05. - 2018.06.

    Worked in the new business development department for one year and worked on four projects, including designing, developing, and UI projects as a (PL) for two projects..

  • Education & Seminar

  • Sharing Technology with Google Tech - festival

    GDG DevFest Seoul 2018 - 2018.11.

    "Organize Google Technology related sessions, code traps, and study jams to share and networking technologies such as Android, Firebase, GCP, Machine Learning, Web Tech, Chrome, and more.

  • Functional Programming study presentation - meetup

    Fun Fun Stydy - 2018.10.

    "Share description of functional programming and functional programming experience with JavaScript, Kotlin, ARCore, and Tensorflow.

  • The story of the 2018 Open Source Developer. - metup

    OSS dev forum (Microsoft.) - 2018.06.

    "Seminar conducted on the purpose of helping developers interested in open source participate and spread open source by sharing their experiences as open source developers.

  • Google Cloud OnBoard Seoul - education

    Google Cloud - 2018.06.

    Google Cloud Platform (GCP) technical training designed for technical business professionals to help you understand and start cloud services such as Google App Engine, Datastore, Compute Engine, Container, Big Data, and Machine Learning. (Retention of certificate)

  • Designer & Developer - meetup

    GDG Campus Korea - 2018.06.

    Networking with practitioners on the topic of designer and developer collaboration.

  • HTML, CSS, and NEXT? - seminar

    CodeSquad - 2018.02.

    It was a seminar that covered the overall orientation of the front-end development and the current issues, and further involved in the intensive course studies on HTML5 and CSS 3.

  • Type Script Basic - seminar

    TypeScript Korea. - 2017.11. ~ 2017.12.

    I learned about the basic grammar of the type script as a seminar for the Korean User Group for the Type Script.

  • Code-Night secondary

    Opentutorials. - 2017.07. ~ 2017.08.

    This seminar was conducted to support the overall content of web development, including the fundamentals and issues of web application development. - Second graduation (Retention of certificate)

  • Ready for Developer

    IT Bank - 2015.10. ~ 2017.03.

    I completed Java, JSP, Spring, network, linux, and window server through the course, and then completed 4 months of web development. (Retention of certificate)


HyBrid App70%

Java 90%

JSP 90%

Spring 85%

HTML5 90%

CSS3 85%

JavaScript 80%

React 75%

jQuery 75%

PHP 65%

Codeignitor 60%

_Template 60%

Oracle 70%

MySQL 85%

BootStrap 85%

HyBrid App 70%


Please select a projects.


Jerome's Personal blog


[React] - SSR ( react-router 이용 )

이전 프로젝트 SSR 과 똑같이 HTML을 받아와 처리하는데 한가지 다른점은 context라는 빈 object를 하나 생성한뒤 StaticRouter 사이에 넣으면...


[React] - React Router ( Props )

props를 알아보기 이전에 URL로 Parameter Routing 하는 방법을 먼저 알아볼 것임. # URL Parameter Routing...


[React] - React Router ( NavLink )

# NavLink - 조금 특별한 Link, - 'to'에 지정한 path와 URL이 매칭되는 경우, - 특별한 스타일, 클래스를 적용할 수 있음...